How to apply for credicorp register ng apply ( Nigeria Consumer Credit Corporation )

www credicorp ng application
consumer credit portal registration

Nigerian consumer credit portal registration is currently open to those who wish to apply for credit (CrediCorp), a company owned by the Federal Government of Nigeria that collaborates with the Central Bank of Nigeria, the financial sector, identity management, credit registries, fintech, consumer protection, and policymakers to ensure consumer credit.

Table of Contents


How To Apply For CrediCorp

Kindly visit the official consumer credit portal registration page at

Information Needed on the Consumer Credit Scheme Portal

  1. Personal Information
  2. Credit Needs
  3. Primary Employment
  4. Secondary Employment
  5. Face Capture (Optional)


CrediCorp, owned by the Federal Government of Nigeria, aims to accelerate consumer credit access to 50% of working Nigerians by 2030 by addressing structural barriers and catalyzing the market with capital, guarantees, and policy.

Take note before you apply that this is a loan to be paid in six months, so be sure of the business you want to start or invest in.

The company works closely with the Central Bank, the financial sector, identity management, credit registries, fintech, consumer protection, and policymakers.

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